WORSHIP CENTER: 8:00, 9:30, & 10:45 | CONNECTION: 9:15 & 10:45 | DIRECTIONS

Posts with the category “care-ministry”

Spring & Fall Cleanup
by Chantell Martin on July 26th, 2024
Help with spring and fall “chores” for those who are unable (cleaning yards, windows, weeding, etc.) Serving Times: As needed in the spring and fall  Read More
Car Care Volunteer
by Chantell Martin on July 26th, 2024
Help with oil changes or easy car repairs for those who are unable. Serving Times: As needed. Requirements: Able to change the oil in a vehicle  Read More
Visiting Widows/Widowers
by Chantell Martin on July 26th, 2024
Contact and visit widows/widowers on a monthly basis. Listen and encourage those who've lost a spouse while showing the love of Jesus.   Read More
Missionary Care
by Chantell Martin on July 26th, 2024
Encourage NMC missionaries by sending emails/cards and regularly praying for them. Serving Times: As needed   Read More
Visiting the Sick and Homebound
by Troy Phillips on October 30th, 2019
Contact and visit with the sick or homebound. Listen and encourage friends of NMC while showing the love of Jesus. Serving Times: As needed. Requirements: Must be 18 years or older   Read More
GriefShare Leader
by Troy Phillips on October 30th, 2019
GriefShare is a support group for those who’ve recently lost a loved one. It's offered at NMC every fall and led by volunteers who’ve personally experienced loss. Basic responsibilities: Be involved in every GriefShare meeting (Tuesday evenings in the fall), facilitating half of the meetings. Serving Times: Tuesday evenings, 14 weeks in the fall. Requirements: You must have previously participated in GriefShare and be 18 years or older.   Read More