WORSHIP CENTER: 8:00, 9:30, & 10:45 | CONNECTION: 9:15 & 10:45 | DIRECTIONS


Global Impact Opportunities

Why should I consider going on a GI trip? 

  • Develop a heart for the nations locally, regionally, and globally.

  • Grow and stretch your worldview as it pertains to people of other cultures.

  • Build relationships in the body while serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Upcoming Trips

Where: American Indian Field in Arizona
When: April 17-21, 2025
For: People who love kids and serving others
Cost: Approximately $1,000 (could vary based on flights)
Apply By: April 1, 2025

  • Work with our missionary partners on the American Indian Field: Darin and Laura Arnott, Pastor Felix, and Christ Fellowship Community Church.
  • Put on special VBS services for the kids on the reservation.
  • Help with maintanence/work projects around the church. Any skill level is welcome; construction experience is a bonus.
  • If you want to shine the light of Jesus in the world and make His name known, this trip is for you!

Where: Puerto Rico
When: May 2025
Trip details coming soon!

Where: AGC Baby Centre in Kenya
When: June 5-20, 2025
Cost: $3,000-$3,500 (Flights may affect cost)
Apply By: May 1, 2025

This team will work alongside the staff at the Africa Gospel Church Baby Centre in Nakuru, Kenya. The AGC Baby Centre has rescued, redeemed, and restored more than 500 babies who were abandoned. You'll get to encourage and love on the children and staff on this trip.

Where: Joni & Friends in Norton Shores, Michigan
When: June 15-20, 2025
Cost: Approximately $800
Apply by: May 15, 2025

Join this team to serve families impacted by disability at Joni and Friends Family Retreat. You'll spend a week of camp loving, caring for, and supporting individuals with disabilities and their family members. Give these families much needed respite, renewed hope, and rest. You'll get to experience inclusive and accessible worship as you love and care for God's children.

Where: Juarez, Mexico
When: August 7-11, 2025
For: Young Adults
Cost: Approximately $800 (flights may affect cost)
Apply by: June 30, 2025
Note: Please contact Pastor Isaac Wood (IsaacWood@nmc.church) before applying for the team.

  • Join our partner churches in the Juarez Valley to throw back-to-school fiestas for the community, complete with inflatables, face painting, and food!
  • Fill and hand out backpacks with school supplies to the kids to prepare them for the upcoming school year.
  • Attend services at our partner churches, and see how God is working through His people in Mexico.

*This Gl trip is specifically for young adults. Please contact Pastor Isaac Wood
(IsaacWood@nmc.church) before applying.

Where: Juarez, Mexico
When: December 11-15, 2025
Cost: Approximately $800 (flights may affect cost)
Apply by: September 30, 2025

  • Join our partner churches in the Juarez Valley to pack and hand out Christmas packages to families in the church communities.
  • Attend services at our partner churches, and see how God is working through His people in Mexico.
  • This trip is an awesome opportunity for your family to travel and serve together with other NMCers.

Missed a trip registration deadline?

It's not too late to join the team!
Email NielDiener@nmc.church to see if the trip you're interested in is still open for sign-ups. 

Global Impact Requirements

1. Passport

To participate in an international trip, you must have a passport to travel with the team.

2. GI 101 Class

You must take NMC's GI 101 class at some point before your trip. This class will help equip you for global impact with the biblical basis for missions, cultural sensitivity, team building, and NMC guidelines.
"One of the most impactful things about our Global Impact trip was seeing young and older people serving together. We got to see incredible revival on the American Indian Field in Arizona and a strong response to the gospel. It was a great, amazing experience!" 

— Wycliff Keter, GI Arizona Team
Before I went on the Global Impact trip to Honduras, I felt like I had plateaued in my walk—stuck—like I was done growing. The most amazing experience of the trip was getting to eat dinner with the students at El Sembrador. The bonds of friendship we created with the students and each other on the team will always be very near and dear to my heart.

I went to Honduras searching for growth, a more intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father, and tools to help me daily live out my faith. I found all those and much more, all because I said "yes" to God calling me out of my comfort zone.

— Josh Kincaid, GI Honduras Team
The opportunity to slow down and return to a posture of gratitude was one of the most impactful parts of the trip. God worked in me, breaking my heart for what breaks His. I got to learn from Pastor Felix and the Arnotts—seeing their heart for the community and the hope they hold onto.

Hearing testimonies from others on my team, seeing the people's desire to know more of God and share the gospel with others, and praying in unity as a team were some of my top moments from the Global Impact trip.   

— Phu Le, GI Arizona Team
Going on a Global Impact trip strengthened my relationship with the Lord and His Church. I was nervous about the trip, but at each meeting leading up to our departure, multiple people told us they were praying for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in serving others.

My biggest takeaway wasn't the phenomenal food, playing fun games as a team, or handing out backpacks to kids. It was seeing the Body of Christ. My eyes were truly unveiled at how my team and the church in Juarez collided despite language and cultural barriers. The Lord is working, not just in the United States or at NMC, but all around the world. When we follow the call to go and share the good news through serving others, we're examples of Christ. If given the opportunity, go on a Global Impact trip. It will change your life! 

— Kiersten Todd, GI Mexico Team

Join DART 

Going Where & When the Need Arises

NMC sends our Disaster Action Response Team (DART) to areas devastated by natural disasters and crisis. Typically, we partner with Samaritan's Purse to help those in need.

Want to learn more about DART or be notified when this team is deployed? Click the button below to email DART leader, Niel Diener. 


Niel Diener

Thanks for your interest in Global Impact at NMC! I'm excited to connect with you and help answer any questions you have. 

Global Impact Coordinator

Niel Diener

Thanks for your interest in Global Impact at NMC! I'm excited to connect with you and help answer any questions you have.