WORSHIP CENTER: 8:00, 9:30, & 10:45 | CONNECTION: 9:15 & 10:45 | DIRECTIONS


August - May

Programming For All Ages! 

Wednesday nights are a big deal at NMC during the school year. Starting with a meal together at Table Talk, the church building comes alive with small groups meeting, students gathering for worship, kids playing, and so much more!

Find a place for you and your family to get plugged-in on Wednesday nights this year! 

explore the opportunities

Women’s Ministry at NMC is very active and offers many opportunities to gather, connect and encourage one another. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Table Talk

5:15 - 6:15 PM | Aux Gym

Start off your Wednesday evenings right with dinner around the table with your family and friends! Suggested donation is $4 for an individual; $12 for families of 3-5; and $15 for families of 6 or more.


Wednesday night adult electives are great resources for you to grow as a disciple of Christ. Jump into a class that interests you.
Unless otherwise noted, there's no need to sign-up — just come as you are!

Regular Electives

6:45-8:00 PM, Aux Gym, Niel Diener
ManChurch disciples men to love God and love people through personal and corporate Bible study, prayer, surrender, and service with each other and our community.

This spring, we're in the Conquer Series: The Battle for Purity. Learn how to quit porn forever in this six-week study. Understanding the brain is so important in this battle, so you'll learn real, proven strategies to renew your mind and break destructive patterns. Learn more about this curriculum at www.conquerseries.com.

7:00-8:00 PM, The Chapel, Jana Gunter and Dawn Ziegler
Oasis is a ladies' Wednesday night elective. This winter, we're studying Esther: Daring Faith for Such a Time as This by Kelly Minter (study guides can be purchased at Oasis for $22). You'll have a chance to connect with other women and share in fellowship through studying the Word. This is a great place for ladies to stop in the middle of a busy week and get recharged.

7:00-8:00 PM, C 280, Greg Taylor
We dive into God's Word each week using a list of some of the greatest chapters in the Bible. Our hope is to grow together and learn how to effectively make and multiply disciples.

6:45-8:00 PM, C 184, Phil and Jenny Ummel
This is a safe place to come and share your successes and struggles in your foster/adoptive journey. Our goal is to encourage and learn from each other as we keep our focus on God's Word. Occasional training opportunities are also available.

7:00-8:00 PM, C 282, Jean Hornish
Knit Together is a casual time for devotion, prayer, and crafting for others. We have participants who knit and crochet at a beginner's level on. Even if you don't know how to knit or crochet, you're welcome to join us - we're happy to teach you! If you're interested, bring your supplies or use what we have available.

6:00-8:00 PM, GH 228
Join the NMC Deacons and NMC en Español for an international time of prayer. Please feel free to come and go as you need throughout the evening.

Seasonal Electives

7:00-8:00 PM, February 12 - March 12, Courtyard Commons, Pastor Marty Graverson & Charlie Koellein
Join us as we go through the Anxious for Nothing video series by Max Lucado. We explore practical ways to overcome anxiety through biblical principles, focusing on trusting God's peace, embracing prayer, and shifting our perspectives to manage life's worries. You'll learn strategies each week to help you replace anxiety with calm and confidence through faith.

7:00-8:00 PM, February 12 - March 12, GH 222, Elizabeth Sallee
Explore Genesis 1 in its original context, and discover the beauty and extravagance of our Intentional Creator in the first words of Scripture. We're looking at this single chapter from the perspective of the original readers and discuss how it plays a central role in the entire biblical narrative.

7:00-8:00 PM, January 8 - March 12, Fireside Room, Nate Smith
[Registration is closed for this elective.] Your situation with money will change when you do. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a light at the end of the tunnel that wasn't an oncoming train? After this 10-week class, the average FPU grad is debt-free in two years or less! We're not saying it's easy, but it works if you will. No matter where you are in your financial journey, Financial Peace University helps you reach your goals faster!

7:00-8:00 PM, February 12 - April 2, C 185, Nate Bate & NMC Pastors
No matter who you are, it's guaranteed you've experienced some measure of disruption and brokenness in your life. This elective will equip you to discern and respond well to situations where you're hard-pressed to handle what's coming your way. Good strategy does not happen by accident. We're using God's Word and personal experiences to help us forge a new path forward.

7:00-8:00 PM, February 5 - May 21, Heritage Room (GH 120), Alane Stutzman
If you've experienced separation or divorce, this is a supportive, compassionate program to help you find hope and healing. This support group features videos from Christian counselors and pastors to give you practical tools and emotional support to help you rebuild your life. Please register at nmc.church/DivorceCare.

Coming Soon

7:00-8:00 PM, April 23 - May 21, C 185, Pastor Jason Rohde
If someone you love has passed away and you're not sure how to move forward, the hurt and uncertainty you're going through is normal. You're not alone, and we'd love to come alongside you in your grief journey.


Students connect with each other through fun, games, worship, biblical teaching, and small groups. Doors open at 6:15 PM. 

High School 

6:45-8:15 PM | Fieldhouse

Wednesday nights are a worship gathering, discipling the heart through worship and teaching. All grades meet for small groups at the end of programming (10-12 students of the same grade/gender with a caring adult leader). 

Middle School 

6:45-8:00 PM 

6th Grade: Fireside Room (by Entrance A)
7th/8th Grade: Connection Gym (by Entrance E)

Wednesday nights are a fun environment for students to connect with each other, dive into God's Word, and be challenged by a caring adult to take the next step in their walk with Christ!

Bible Study

tuesday mornings

Coffee Break, a women’s Bible Study, is a time for ladies to connect and study the Word together. Ladies share in fellowship time before the session, then congregate together for a time of worship and video teaching. For the remaining time, breakout sessions happen in smaller groups where ladies can share in a more intimate setting. Ladies meet on Tuesday mornings through the school year with a break over the holiday season. There is also a Tuesday evening session each fall that meets from September through October.

We hope you'll join us!


Wednesdays in KidMin are fun environments to learn about God, worship, be part of small groups, play games, and have fun. Doors open at 6:35 PM. 

4th - 5th Grade

6:45-8:00 PM | Preteen Room

Wednesday nights are a messier, louder version of Sunday mornings. Preteens play games, worship, learn, and go to small groups together. Your preteen will fit right in with their peers in this fun, laid-back class.

K - 3rd Grade

6:45-8:00 PM

K-1st Grade: K/1 Zone
2nd-3rd Grade: 2/3 Zone

Using a four-year chronological Bible curriculum, kids explore God’s story of redemption through Jesus and dive into the Word from Genesis to Revelation. Wednesday nights include games, Bible lessons, small groups, worship, and service projects. 

PreK & Nursery

6:45-8:00 PM

We're remodeling our nursery and preschool classrooms! Please check out nmc.church/reno for temporary room assignments, or ask our KidMin staff and volunteers for assistance. 


Wednesday nights

Oasis is a Wednesday night elective. Ladies work through a topical study and have a chance to connect with one another and share in fellowship and studying the word. This is a great place for ladies to stop in the middle of a busy week and get recharged. Join us Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM in the Chapel.



Calling all female prayer warriors! If you have a passion for prayer, join this growing group of ladies for one hour of intentional prayer. Monday mornings, 9-10 AM, in the Grand Hall Mezzanine Prayer Room.


Wednesday nights

Rev Fit is a fitness program infused with Jesus! Our moto is "Healthy and Whole in Every Way." The objective is to worship Jesus and love others well WHILE working our bodies for His glory. We encourage just being YOU, no judgment, no comparison! We have a variety of instructors and workouts with a new theme each month. Workouts include: drumsticks, cardio, strength (with and without weights), kickboxing, and stretching! Come move with us, and most importantly, with Jesus on Wednesday nights, 7-8 PM, in the Aux Gym. 


Andrea Reimer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.