Making Big Church Small
Small Churches meet on Sunday mornings at NMC. Some are multi-generational, while others are designed to connect you with those in a similar life-stage.
Check out the Small Church options below, and get plugged into a community today!
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Leadership: Wayne Klotz
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: Aux Gym
We are... people who love, pray with, and care for one another as we study God's Word, sing together, fellowship, and enjoy good snacks. We are a larger Small Church, but our care groups provide a way to get to know others in a small group setting.
Leadership: Larry & Corinne Burckhart; Denny & Karen Mast
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: C 282
We are... a service-oriented group with a strong commitment to praying for the needs of our group and community. We enjoy growing closer to each other and to Christ through biblical teaching.
Leadership: Justin Bell, Nate Yoder, & Rob Geiger
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: Gym 250
We are... a community of married couples and young families encouraging and building each other up through Godly principles, Bible study, and Christ-centered fellowship. Please Note: We do not meet the fifth Sunday of the month.
Leadership: Mike & Kay Ann Moore; Sandy Hollar
Time: Sundays, 11:00 AM - Noon
Room: Heritage Room (GH 120)
We... dive into God's Word together using a year-long Bible reading plan, covering five chapters a week. On Sundays, we focus on one chapter from our weekly reading with curriculum-guided group discussion.
Leadership: Matt & Rachel Prochno
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: YMC Upper Level (Separate building on the southwest corner of the NMC campus.)
We are... a relational and spiritual community for young adults at NMC. We meet each Sunday for scripture-based devotionals, discussion, prayer, and connection. We love hosting events and small groups for those looking to connect with others in the church.
Leadership: James Aldridge
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: GH 226
We are... a multi-generational group that meets for a relaxed time of fellowship, sharing, prayer, and to study the Word. Outside of Sundays, we host various service and social gatherings.
Leadership: Nate & Beth Smith; Troy & Karla Handrich
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: WC 200
We are... committed to growing in our relationships with Christ, our spouses, and our children. We are a nurturing, fun-loving class with weekly life-application lessons, lively discussions, and fellowship opportunities. We often have several gatherings a month outside of our Sunday class, and we camp together for a weekend in the fall.
Leadership: Mike & Jacci Lightfoot
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: GH 222
We are... a fun and interactive class of families. We study a range of topics to enhance our Christian walks. Outside of Sunday mornings, we enjoy gathering as small groups for social activities.
Leadership: Scott Sheets
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: C 281
We... dive into God's Word to sharpen and encourage one another with Godly, practical principles as we journey through life. We care for one another through prayer and encouragement each week. Outside of Sunday mornings, we have a few, low-key events each year and really enjoy providing for the needs of regional missionaries.
Leadership: Tim & Evelyn Stichter; Tim & Christy Hanlon
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: C 280
We are... a fellowship of believers nuturing, investing in, and connecting with each other. Our class time includes praying for each other and lessons designed to build our faith and encourage our walk with Christ. We also meet for various social activities.
Leadership: Bill Krogel
Time: Sundays, 11:00 AM - Noon
Room: C 184
We are... a smaller group strong in intercessory prayer. We also spend time openly discussing the morning's message to gain insight on what was preached and biblical understanding.
Leadership: Phil Hahn
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: Fireside Room
We are... caring adults who pray for one another as we study books of the Bible in order to apply truth to everyday life. Our time on Sundays often includes sharing updates and challenges from ministries we support.
Leadership: Larry Long & Norm Reimer
Time: Sundays, 8:00-9:10 AM
Room: C 184
We are... a group that shares, studies, and fellowships together. Our class includes teaching and discussion with occasional updates from the missionaries we support.
Leadership: Shawn & Lori Persing
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30
Room: Gym 252
We... utilize live and video teaching and thrive on discussion and peer learning. Our mission is to build a fully connected, committed group of disciples known and loved by one another. The first Sunday of the month is "ONE Serve Sunday," when we serve in KidMin together.
Leadership: Hal Easley & Teaching Team
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: C 184
We are... a smaller group with 25-30 weekly participants. We spend time sharing joys, praises, concerns, and lifting up each other in prayer. We also emphasize studying and discussing God's Word to embolden one another to kingdom action.
Leadership: Kenton & Emily Hostetler
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: C 180-181
We are... navigating life's hills and valleyswe we lean on the solid foundation of Christ's teachings. We live with purpose, and belonging to a spiritual community is important to us. Each Sunday, we gather for prayers and praises, fellowship, and studying God's Word. All are welcome to join! We also meet for monthly activities outside of Sunday mornings for service projects, social time, and growing in our faith. (Hebrews 10:23-25)
Leadership: Bryan Miller & Alex Troxel
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: C 283
We are... families dedicated to living life together while we remain "rooted" in Christ as a body. Every week, we have discussion-based teaching, prayer, and fellowship. Join us for community, spiritual growth, outreach, and monthly events.
Leadership: Dennis & Carrie Gaul
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: GH 223
We are... a smaller group that desires to grow together in our relationships with Jesus Christ. Through studying God's Word, prayer, fellowship, and fixing our eyes on Jesus, we become more like Christ and ultimately, finish well the race marked before us (Hebrews 12:1).
Leadership: Larry Andrews; Verdon Feldman; Leadership Team
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: C 185
We are... a larger Small Church with a warm and friendly atmosphere. We are loving and caring people who pray and minister to each other's needs. Together, we study biblical truth and its application to our daily lives, causing us to grow in our Christ-likeness.
Leadership: Jim Davis
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: GH 227
We are... a multi-generational group who studies God's Word together and pursues biblical community through intentional relationship building.
Leadership: Roger Hollinger; Stan & Carol Metzler; Fred Hunsberger
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: Heritage Room (GH 120)
We... spend time each Sunday studying Scripture, sharing, and praying together. We gather one Saturday per month for breakfast and every fifth Sunday for a carry-in.
Leadership: Mike Martin; Dennis Correll; Tom Edgerton
Time: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM
Room: Chapel
We... provide solid, practical Bible teaching in the midst of a warm, supportive fellowship.
Small Church Coordinator

Peter Damaska
Associate Pastor

Small Church Coordinator
Peter Damaska, Associate Pastor
Terry Bley