WORSHIP CENTER: 8:00, 9:30, & 10:45 | CONNECTION: 9:15 & 10:45 | DIRECTIONS

KidMin Nursery & Preschool Remodel

February 3 - Fall 2025

Excitement is Building!

We're remodeling all the KidMin nursery and preschool classrooms (over 12,000 square feet of our building)! This much-needed refresh will help optimize our spaces to provide your kids with a safe and welcoming environment to encounter Jesus.

By this fall, each KidMin classroom downstairs will have a fresh and cohesive theme, more efficient entrances/exits for the entire hallway, and an easier, consolidated KidMin check-in area in the northwest corner of the Grand Hall.
This project will happen in three phases, with each phase focused on remodeling a specific group of classrooms. Check out the details for each phase below and which room your child is temporarily assigned to on Sundays and Wednesdays.

*Our goal is to keep this page updated with the most accurate info throughout the entire remodel project. Please continue to refer to this page for all changes and updates.*

Phase 1

February 3 - End of March | Barnyard, Zoo, & Jungle Classrooms

The south entrance to the preschool hallway (across from the Connection Gym and the Fieldhouse) will be closed during this phase. 

Sunday Mornings 

1st Hour | 8:00-9:00 AM
Barnyard & Zoo kids will meet in KidzTown.
All other preschool kids will meet in Candyland Jr.

2nd Hour | 9:30-10:30 AM
Barnyard & Zoo kids will meet in KidzTown.
Depot kids will meet in the Depot (no change).
KidzTown kids will meet in Candyland Jr.
Candyland kids will meet in Candyland (no change).
Jungle kids will meet in the Fieldhouse.

3rd Hour | 11:00 AM-Noon
Barnyard & Zoo kids will meet in KidzTown.
KidzTown (and Depot) kids will meet in the Depot.
Jungle (and Candyland) kids will meet in Candyland.

Wednesday Nights

6:45-8:00 PM | Doors open at 6:35 PM.
Barnyard & Zoo kids will meet in KidzTown.
KidzTown (and Depot) kids will meet in the Depot.
Jungle (and Candyland) kids will meet in Candyland.

Phase 2

April - May | Depot & KidzTown Classrooms

Temporary classroom assignments coming soon.

Phase 3

June - July | Candyland & Candyland Jr. Classrooms

Temporary classroom assignments coming soon. 

Grand Opening Coming Fall 2025!

We hope to fully reopen all PreK classrooms after the complete remodel in Fall 2025. 


We'll post temporary room assignments for each age group during all three phases of the remodel project. Please use the ages groups below to determine which room your child will be in:

  • Barnyard Kids: Infants & Crawlers
  • Zoo Kids: Steady Walkers
  • Depot Kids: 2-Year-Olds
  • KidzTown Kids: 3-Year-Olds
  • Candyland Kids: 4-Year-Olds
  • Jungle Kids: 5-Year-Olds/PreK

We're here to help! If you need assistance locating your child's classroom on a Sunday or Wednesday, please ask a KidMin staff person at the check-in stations, or visit the Ministry Center desk in the Grand Hall.

Thank you so much for your patience and grace throughout this entire project! If you have additional questions that aren't addressed above, please reach our to our KidMin Staff at KidMin@nmc.church. You can also call the Church Office during the week at (574) 773-7773.

If you'd like to give towards this project, you can mark your gift "KidMin Remodel," or click here to give online.