Wednesday: Silence
The Bible doesn’t say what the Lord did on the Wednesday of Passion Week. Scholars speculate that after two exhausting days in Jerusalem, Jesus and His disciples spent this day resting in Bethany in anticipation of Passover. Just a short time previously, Jesus had revealed to the disciples and the world that He had power over death by raising Lazarus from the grave. After seeing this incredible miracle, many people in Bethany believed that Jesus was the Son of God and put their faith in Him. Also in Bethany just a few nights earlier, Lazarus’ sister Mary had lovingly anointed the feet of Jesus with expensive perfume.
Lord God, We tremble to think that it was one of Jesus’ own friends who betrayed Him – one who sat by Him, who broke bread with Him. Give us strength, we pray, to walk faithfully with Jesus. Even when the road we walk is rocky, when the message of the cross seems like foolishness, and when we feel betrayed, You, Lord, are always faithful. We stumble, we become lost, but You are steady and sure. Give us the grace to endure our troubles, and reveal to us the glory of Your kingdom, Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. Amen.