WORSHIP CENTER: 8:00, 9:30, & 10:45 | CONNECTION: 9:15 & 10:45 | DIRECTIONS


Caring For One Another

A vital part of the Church's calling is caring for one another, especially in the unexpected and difficult seasons of life.

NMC's Care Ministry seeks to empathize with and love those facing physical and emotional challenges. Through prayer and encouragement, the pastors and volunteers in Care Ministry are here for you when you need it the most.

Care Resources

Several components make up our comprehensive approach to caring for the lonely, wounded, and discouraged.


A support group for those who’ve recently lost a loved one, GriefShare is offered at NMC every fall. Led by long-term volunteers who’ve personally experienced loss, this is a safe space for you to walk through the journey of grief with a friendly, caring group of people and come to terms with a new normal.

The 2024 fall session is August 27 - December 3, and you can join at any point during the session. GriefShare meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM in Courtyard Commons.  


We want to come alongside you in prayer! Our Prayer Team is ready to pray with you at the front of the Worship Center after all Sunday morning services.

Our pastors are also available to pray with you and your family during any surgeries and hospital stays. 

Crisis Care

NMC pastors offer a variety of crisis care options. We've also created a comprehensive list of recommended Christian care professionals in our area.

For more information on our crisis care resources, call the Church Office at 574-773-7773

explore the opportunities

Our goal in the area of marriage and family is to provide a variety of options, resources, and tools throughout the course of a year to help educate and motivate individuals, couples, and families.


Christ-centered and relationship-focused premarital guidance is a great way for engaged couples to prepare for marriage. During NMC’s premarital program, couples take an assessment and walk through their results with Marty Graverson, our marriage and family pastor. Through this assessment, couples have the chance to learn more about their fiancé as well as identify specific areas they should focus on during the rest of the premarital program. In addition to the assessment, couples will be paired with a mentor couple who will meet with them three to four times before the wedding as well as a few times after the wedding. This mentorship provides opportunities for an engaged couple to learn from a seasoned couple’s real-life experiences and build a relationship that can last long after the wedding date. Through this relationship, couples establish connections with those who will support, challenge, and encourage them as they grow in their marriage.

NMC’s premarital program is open to anyone but is a requirement for those being married by an NMC pastor. The cost of $75 covers assessment and materials for the couple.


There are several components that make up NMC’s comprehensive approach to caring for the hurting, wounded, and discouraged.


Our pastors are available to pray with NMC individuals and their family during any surgeries and hospital stays. We have also implemented a lay team for follow-up care after surgeries and hospital stays. There is also a weekly sheet for care concerns that can be found in the worship folder and a comprehensive list of care concerns at the Ministry Center.


Our GriefShare program is available in the fall for those who have lost family members and want a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. This program meets on Monday nights in the Fireside Room when in session. The fall session runs from August 26 to November 25. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Jason Rohde.


Our Foster Family Care Communities come alongside foster children and their families to help with the unique challenges they face. Serving a foster family is sacrificial, not always convenient, and often challenging. Click here to learn more about being the hands and feet of Jesus to this precious group.

Care Ministry Pastor

Jason Rohde

Thanks for your interest in care and support resources from NMC. In whatever season of life you're walking through right now, I want to help you take your next step toward Christ and be healthy and whole. Please feel free to send me a message if there's anything we can do to help support you.


Jason Rohde

Thanks for your interest in care and support resources from NMC. In whatever season of life you're walking through right now, I want to help you take your next step toward Christ and be healthy and whole. Please feel free to send me a message if there's anything we can do to help support you.